Design It!
This is the fun part.
Your level of involvement is up to you. Our clients run from micromanagers to the ultimate delegators and everywhere in between.
12 important things to note about your website:
- We build your site on a temporary site (search engine blocked) so that you can monitor our progress
- We discuss your needs, wants, look & feel and objectives with you
- We can use other designs as a jumping-off point but will never copy another site
- Your site will not go live before you approve it
- We consider building your site as a partnership
- We understand you will occasionally change directions
- We will tell you if we think you want something that is not in your best interest
- We will work with your pictures or our own
- We can add any feature you want --forms, videos, YouTube, slideshows, etc
- We love a challenge and doing new things --just tell us your ideas
- Your site is designed to be search engine friendly and mobile friendly
- Sites are easily changed by you or us